Компресори транспортен тип Dorin

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Piastra valvole Le piastre valvole utilizzate su questi modelli sono state fatte progettare appositamente da un Fornitore altamente qualificato per otimizzare le performances anche ad elevate velocità di rotazione.
Valve plates Valve plates used on these models have been designed by a high qualified Supplier in order to optimize their performance even at high revolving speed.
Pompa olio I compressori sono equipaggiati con pompa olio a lobi che può lavorare in entrambi i sensi di rotazione.
Oil pump Compressors are equipped with lobe oil pump operating in both rotation senses.
Flessibilità Gli attacchi per le prese di servizio ed il tappo di carica dell' olio sono previste su entrambi i lati. E' possibile, su richiesta, fornire compressori "personalizzati" per meglio rispondere ad eventuali particolari necessità del cliente. I rubinetti di mandata ed aspirazione possono essere installati in differenti posizioni secondo le esigenze del cliente.
Flexibility Connections for service taps and oil charge plug are provided on both sides. Upon request, it is possible to supply "customized" compressor in order o meet particular necessities of our client. Discharge and service valves may be installed in two different positions according to our customer's requirements.
Affidabilità Particolare cura è stata posta per garantire la massima affidabilità di questa gamma. L' uso dei cuscinetti a rulli su entrambi i mozzi, il generoso dimensionamento dell' albero, delle bielle e degli spinotti, unito ad un nuovo premistoppa, fanno sì che l' obiettivo "affidabilità" sia raggiunto.
Reliability Our best attention has been given in order to guarantee the maximum reliability of this range. Our purpose of "reliability" has been achieved thanks to use of roll bearings on both hubs and to the generous dimensioning of the shaft, connecting rods and piston pins together with a new shaft seal.
Prestazioni I condotti interni, le piastre valvole, il rapporto alesaggio/corsa, la posizione dei cilindri a V; tutto è stato otimizzato per ottenere un' elevata efficienza.
Performances The internal pipelines, the valve plates, the bore/stroke ratio, the V cylinders location have been optimized so to abtain a high efficiency.
Intercambiabilità su impianti esistenti Le dimensioni di ingombro, i fori di fissaggio, così come le posizioni dei rubinetti di servizio e gli attacchi per la puleggia elettromagnetica sono stati studiati per facilitare il montaggio di questi compressori sia su impianti nuovi che esistenti.
Interchangeability on external equipment The overhaul dimensions, the fixing holes as well as the service valves locations and electromagnetic clutch connections are designed in order to permit the assembling of these compressors on new or existing plants.
Corpo I compressori sono costruiti in alluminio con alettatura per facilitare il raffreddamento del corpo e delle teste. Particolare attenzione è stata posta al fine di ridurre il più oissibile sia gli ingombri che il peso di questi modelli. Per esempio sono stati progettati dei nuovi rubinetti in alluminio che contribuiscono a ridurre il peso del compressore di circa 1,5 Kg. Inoltre la progettazione è stata eseguita in modo da ridurre il numero delle tenute (guarnizioni) e quindi la possibilità di fughe di refrigerante.
Body Compressors are made in aluminium with finnings in order to facilitate the body and heads cooling. Particular attention was made to reduce at maximum either the dimensions and the weight of these models. For example, the new aluminium service valve have been designed reducing the weight of the compressor of about 1,5 KGS. Furthermore, design has been made as to reduce the number of seals (gasket) and consequentl y the possibility of leaks of refrigerant.
Bilanciamento Tutte le parti meccaniche sono state ottimizzate al fine di migliorare il più possibile il bilanciamento dinamico dell' insieme e ridurre così le vibrazioni anche ad elevate velocità di rotazione. Oltre ad un accurato bilanciamento dell' albero e delle masse alterne dei pistoni, spinotti e bielle, la scelta della posizione a V dei cilindri è un ulteriore aiuto. Infatti, il V formato dai cilindri è più "aperto" rispetto ai compressori presenti sul mercato permettendo di avere una coppia motrice più costante, riducendo le vibrazioni ed i carichi sulle cinghie aumentandone la durata.
Balancing All mechanical parts have been optimized in order to improve the dynamic balancing of the assembly and reduce the vibrations even at high revolving speed. Beside the precise dynamic balancing of the shaft and the alternate masses of the pistons, piston pins and connecting rods further help is given by having chosen to V dispose to cylinder. As a matter of fact, the V made by cilinders is more "open" if compared to the compressors available in the market, this enabling to have more constant deflecting and reducing the vibrations and loads on the belts wich are therefore lasting longher.
Dispositivo di parzializzazione I compressori possono essere equipaggiati con dispositivo di parzializzazione della resa frigorifera (50%). Vi è inoltre la possibilità di montare bobine magnetiche con diversi tipi di tensione. La testa parzializzata è stata progettata in modo da non aumentare gli ingombri (la valvola solenoide è stata posizionata orizzontalmente rispetto all' asse del compressore e la testa è stata smussata per limitarne la sporgenza).
Capacity control device Compressors may be equipped with refrigerating capacity control device (50%). Magnetic coils with several voltage supply are available. The capacity controlled head has been designed in order not to increase the dimensions (the solenoid valve has been placed orizontally compared to the compressor assy and head been chamfered to limit its overhang).
Codice Frigo System
Tipo Type
Cilindri Cylinders [n.]
Alesaggio Bore [mm] 57 61 57 61
Corsa Stroke [mm] 38 38 56 56
Volume spostato Displacement 1450 RPM 33,74 38,65 49,73 56,95 2900 RPM 67,49 77,29 99,46 113,91
Rub.aspir. Suction valv. SL 35s. 35s. 35s. 35s.
Rub.scarico Disch.valv. DL 28s. 28s. 28s. 28s.
Carica olio Oil charge [kg] 2 2 2 2
Peso Weight [kg] 34,5 34 33 32,5
RPM min. Min.speed
RPM max Max speed
DR0384157 DR0384178 DR0384199 DR0684220
4T-39 4T-44 4T-57 4T-65
4 4 4 4
500 500 500 500
3000 3000 3000 3000
Orientamento - Assembly position RUBINETTO ASPIRAZIONE SUCTION SERVICE VALVE Montaggio laterale - Pump side assembly 0° 90° 180° 270° 0° 90° 180° 270°
RUBINETTO DI MANDATA - DISCHARGE SERVICE VALVE Orientamento - Assembly position 0° A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D --A/B/C/D --90° A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D --A/B/C/D --180° A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D --A/B/C/D --270° A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D B/C A/B/C/D --A/B/C/D ---
A = montaggio senza spessorazione sui rubinetti - assembly without tickness on service valves B = montaggio con spessorazione sui due rubinetti - assembly with tickness on both service valves C = montaggio con spessori su rubinetto aspirazione e senza spessori su rubinetto di mandata - assembly of suction service valve with tickness and discharge service valve without tichness D = montaggio con spessori su rubinetto mandata e senza spessori su rubinetto di aspirazione - assembly of discharge service valve with tickness and suction service valve without tickness
Montaggio in testa - Upper assembly
RPM 500 11,63 Pr [watt] 7150 5940 4890 3970 3160 2490 1930 1420 6260 5180 4240 3440 2740 2130 1620 1170 5390 4430 3600 2900 2290 1790 1340 910 RPM 500 13,3 Pr [watt] 8300 6870 5650 4590 3670 2920 2240 1680 7270 6000 7920 3970 3160 2470 1880 1370 6260 5160 4160 3350 2660 2070 1530 1050 Pr [kw] 1,59 1,58 1,51 1,42 1,32 1,20 1,07 0,96 1,95 1,87 1,75 1,63 1,47 1,33 1,21 1,10 2,26 2,13 1,96 1,80 1,64 1,50 1,38 1,25 Pr [watt] 20000 16500 13500 11000 8750 6940 5320 3970 17500 14400 11800 9490 7540 5860 4440 3230 15100 12400 10000 8010 6330 4920 3640 2490 Pr [kw] 1,37 1,46 1,41 1,33 1,22 1,10 0,98 0,83 1,67 1,61 1,51 1,40 1,28 1,14 1,05 0,93 1,95 1,83 1,70 1,56 1,42 1,31 1,20 1,09 1000 23,27 Pr [watt] 17200 14300 11700 9490 7540 5930 4580 3370 15100 12500 10200 8210 6530 5050 3840 2760 13000 10600 8620 6940 5450 4240 3160 2150 1000 26,6 Pr [kw] 3,64 3,56 3,42 3,25 2,96 2,70 2,42 2,15 4,43 4,22 4,00 3,67 3,34 3,00 2,70 2,46 5,17 4,85 4,46 4,09 3,72 3,41 3,10 2,80 Pr [watt] 29700 24500 20100 16300 13000 10300 7900 5900 26000 21400 17500 14100 11200 8700 6600 4800 22400 18400 14800 11900 9400 7300 5400 3700 Pr [kw] 3,13 3,11 2,97 2,79 2,56 2,30 2,08 1,83 3,83 3,69 3,44 3,17 2,90 2,59 2,34 2,09 4,42 4,15 3,85 3,55 3,21 2,94 2,68 2,43 1500 34,90 Pr [watt] 25600 21200 17400 14100 11200 8800 6800 5000 22400 18500 15100 12200 9700 7500 5700 4100 19300 15800 12800 10300 8100 6300 4700 3200 1500 40,0 Pr [kw] 5,48 5,38 5,16 4,87 4,46 7,08 3,64 3,25 6,66 6,36 5,97 5,55 5,03 4,53 4,08 3,70 7,78 7,30 6,70 6,18 5,61 5,14 4,65 4,24 Pr [kw] 4,73 4,66 4,48 4,18 3,84 3,48 3,13 2,73 5,76 5,50 5,16 4,77 4,37 3,90 3,52 3,15 6,68 6,26 5,79 5,33 4,84 4,43 4,05 3,67
2000 46,54 Pr [watt] 33400 27700 22700 18400 14600 11500 8890 6530 29300 24200 19700 15900 12700 9800 7450 5360 25200 20600 16700 13500 10600 8230 6140 4180 2000 53,2 Pr [watt] 38800 32000 26300 21300 17000 13500 10300 7710 34000 28000 22900 18400 14600 11400 8620 6270 29300 24000 19300 15500 12300 9540 7060 4840 Pr [kw] 7,41 7,28 7,01 6,56 6,03 5,50 4,91 4,40 9,02 8,63 8,09 7,45 6,81 6,15 5,51 5,00 10,51 9,87 9,05 8,29 7,64 6,93 6,30 5,74 Pr [watt] 46800 38600 31600 25700 20500 16200 12400 9290 40900 33700 27600 22200 17600 13700 10400 7560 35300 29000 23300 18700 14800 11500 8510 5830 Pr [kw] 6,38 6,29 6,04 5,67 5,17 4,68 4,24 3,73 7,80 7,44 6,98 6,45 5,93 5,27 4,76 4,27 9,04 8,45 7,81 7,25 6,55 5,98 5,48 4,95 2500 58,15 Pr [watt] 40300 33400 27400 22200 17600 13900 10700 7880 35300 29100 23800 19200 15300 11800 8980 6460 30400 24900 20200 16200 12800 9920 7400 5040 2500 66,5 Pr [kw] 9,49 9,32 8,91 8,41 7,70 7,01 6,26 5,62 11,53 11,01 10,37 9,54 8,67 7,81 7,04 6,38 13,49 12,61 11,61 10,61 9,66 8,81 8,05 7,32 Pr [watt] 52200 43200 35500 28900 23100 18300 14100 10600 45700 37700 30900 25000 19900 15500 11800 8590 39400 32400 26100 21100 16700 13000 9640 6620 Pr [kw] 8,18 7,04 7,75 7,26 6,63 6,00 5,40 4,76 9,96 9,51 8,97 8,24 7,51 6,72 6,08 5,45 11,54 10,86 10,03 9,18 8,39 7,62 6,99 6,34 3000 69,80 Pr [watt] 45000 37400 30700 25000 19900 15700 12100 8940 39400 32600 26700 21600 17200 13400 10200 7330 33900 27800 22600 18200 14400 11200 8390 5720 3000 80,0 Pr [kw] 11,34 11,14 10,76 10,10 9,29 8,45 7,62 6,86 13,79 13,22 12,47 11,50 10,47 9,43 8,51 7,76 16,11 15,16 13,83 12,84 11,65 10,71 9,75 8,88 Pr [kw] 9,78 9,66 9,26 8,75 8,02 7,28 6,52 5,78 11,90 11,45 10,72 9,95 9,09 8,16 7,39 6,62 13,81 13,02 11,96 11,09 10,08 9,23 8,48 7,56
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K
RPM 500 17,15 Pr [watt] 10700 8860 7280 5920 4750 3740 2900 2160 9360 7730 6320 5130 4070 3200 2440 1770 8050 6640 5370 4340 3420 2660 1990 1370 RPM 500 19,64 Pr [watt] 12600 10400 8570 6960 5590 4420 3410 2540 11000 9110 7450 6030 4800 3770 2870 2080 9470 7790 6350 5100 4040 3120 2330 1600 Pr [kw] 2,43 2,28 2,30 2,15 1,99 1,81 1,62 1,45 2,95 2,83 2,65 2,46 2,25 204 1,84 1,67 3,43 3,22 3,00 2,75 2,52 2,27 2,09 1,89 Pr [kw] 2,06 2,02 1,95 1,84 1,70 1,54 1,38 1,24 2,51 2,40 2,25 2,10 1,91 1,74 1,56 1,42 2,91 2,75 2,53 2,34 2,13 1,95 1,78 1,63 1000 34,30 Pr [watt] 25700 21300 17400 14100 11300 8890 6870 5120 22600 18600 15200 12300 9700 7610 5790 4170 19400 16000 12900 10400 8150 6330 4710 3230 1000 39,28 Pr [watt] 30300 25100 20500 16600 13300 10500 8080 5990 26500 21900 17800 14400 11400 8960 6800 4920 22800 18700 15200 12200 9630 7410 5520 3770 Pr [kw] 5,50 5,43 5,21 4,87 4,48 4,09 3,67 3,25 6,71 6,42 6,00 5,58 5,07 4,59 4,15 3,74 7,78 7,33 6,78 6,24 5,67 5,14 4,70 4,25 Pr [kw] 4,68 4,62 4,41 4,13 3,83 3,46 3,12 2,78 5,74 5,46 5,13 4,76 4,29 3,91 3,53 3,17 6,64 6,24 5,76 5,31 4,80 4,39 4,01 3,65 1500 51,45 Pr [watt] 38200 31600 25900 21000 16800 13200 10200 7600 33500 27600 22500 18200 14400 11300 8600 6200 28800 23700 19100 15400 12100 9400 7000 4800 1500 58,92 Pr [watt] 45000 37200 30500 24700 19800 15600 12000 8900 39400 32500 26500 21400 17000 13300 10100 7300 33900 27800 22600 18100 14300 11000 8200 5600 Pr [kw] 8,29 8,17 7,84 7,35 6,80 6,18 5,54 4,91 10,13 9,69 9,08 8,39 7,66 6,93 6,25 5,62 11,71 10,99 10,25 9,40 8,55 7,73 7,08 6,41 Pr [kw] 7,05 6,94 6,67 6,25 5,76 5,21 4,70 4,19 8,61 8,22 7,71 7,12 6,48 5,88 5,31 4,78 9,98 9,42 8,67 7,96 7,23 6,61 6,03 5,50
2000 68,60 Pr [watt] 49900 41300 33800 27400 22000 17200 13300 9930 43800 36100 29400 23800 18800 14800 11200 8100 37600 31000 25000 20100 15800 12300 9150 6270 2000 78,56 Pr [watt] 58800 48600 39800 32300 25900 20400 15700 11600 51500 42500 34600 28000 22200 17400 13200 9540 44300 36300 29500 23600 18700 14400 10700 7320 Pr [kw] 11,25 11,02 10,61 9,96 9,18 9,34 7,51 6,64 13,66 13,02 12,27 11,36 10,31 9,35 8,41 7,60 15,91 14,87 13,87 12,70 11,56 10,43 9,55 8,67 Pr [kw] 9,52 9,39 9,00 8,45 7,81 7,01 6,35 5,66 11,64 11,11 10,41 9,66 8,74 7,99 7,16 6,46 13,45 12,67 11,65 10,76 9,77 8,91 8,16 7,42 2500 85,75 Pr [watt] 60100 49700 40800 33100 26500 20800 16100 12000 52700 43400 35400 28700 22700 17800 13500 9770 45300 37300 30100 24200 19100 14800 11000 7560 2500 98,20 Pr [watt] 70800 58600 48000 38900 31200 24600 18900 14000 62000 51200 41700 33700 26800 20900 15900 11500 53400 43800 35600 28500 22500 17300 12900 8820 Pr [kw] 14,33 14,13 13,57 12,67 11,77 10,63 9,52 8,47 17,50 16,77 15,64 14,45 13,18 11,87 10,73 97,73 20,35 19,05 17,65 16,23 14,72 13,35 12,20 11,07 Pr [kw] 12,24 12,02 11,50 10,81 9,95 8,98 8,11 7,23 14,85 14,18 13,30 12,36 11,20 10,14 9,14 8,25 17,30 16,29 15,01 13,74 12,57 11,37 10,40 9,50 3000 102,90 Pr [watt] 67100 55700 45800 37200 29800 23500 18200 13600 58900 48600 39700 32200 25600 20100 15300 11100 50600 41800 33700 27300 21500 16700 12500 8590 3000 117,80 Pr [watt] 79100 65600 53900 43700 35200 27800 21400 15900 69200 57300 46800 37900 30200 23700 18000 13100 59600 49000 39900 32100 25400 19600 14600 10000 Pr [kw] 17,15 16,98 16,24 15,25 14,20 12,85 11,53 10,28 20,94 20,03 18,85 17,40 15,95 14,46 13,07 11,85 24,31 22,88 21,23 19,46 17,78 16,13 14,77 13,43 Pr [kw] 14,61 14,33 13,82 13,08 11,93 10,89 9,83 8,81 17,75 17,01 15,97 14,84 13,49 12,22 11,08 10,03 20,64 19,47 17,99 16,65 15,05 13,77 12,64 11,53
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 30 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 500 11,63 Pr [watt] 13000 11000 9340 7810 6450 5250 4260 3360 2620 2010 1480 11300 9570 8060 6710 5520 4480 3620 2830 2180 1650 1170 9510 8050 6730 5600 4580 3710 2970 2300 1760 1290 890 500 13,3 Pr [watt] 15100 12800 10800 9030 7480 6150 4930 3930 3070 2340 1750 13100 11100 9330 7760 6400 5250 4190 3310 2550 1920 1380 Pr [kw] 1,97 2,10 2,15 2,17 2,13 2,04 1,92 1,76 1,60 1,43 1,24 2,68 2,71 2,67 2,61 2,48 2,34 2,15 1,95 1,74 1,54 1,33 3,31 3,25 3,14 3,00 2,79 2,57 2,36 2,11 1,86 1,62 1,40 Pr [watt] 36200 30600 25800 21700 17900 14600 11800 9390 7310 5580 4130 31500 26500 22300 18700 15300 12500 10000 7890 6090 4570 3280 Pr [kw] 1,70 1,94 2,01 2,04 1,97 1,86 1,73 1,58 1,44 1,28 1,12 2,31 2,50 2,50 2,45 2,29 2,14 1,94 1,76 1,57 1,38 1,20 2,85 2,81 2,72 2,59 2,42 2,22 2,04 1,82 1,60 1,40 1,22 1000 23,27 Pr [watt] 31100 26600 22300 18700 15400 12500 10100 8050 6280 4780 3530 27100 23100 19300 16100 13100 10700 8580 6760 5230 3920 2810 23000 19500 16200 13400 11000 8790 7040 5430 4140 3050 2100 1000 26,6 Pr [kw] 4,50 4,76 4,89 4,94 4,78 4,59 4,30 3,96 3,59 3,20 2,80 6,10 6,13 6,06 5,93 5,59 5,26 4,85 4,39 3,92 3,46 3,02 Pr [watt] 53800 45400 38300 32300 26400 21900 17600 14000 10800 8250 6100 46800 39400 33100 27700 22600 18600 14800 11700 9000 6760 4850 Pr [kw] 3,88 4,16 4,25 4,25 4,13 3,92 3,70 3,41 3,09 2,75 2,41 5,25 5,35 5,26 5,10 4,83 4,49 4,17 3,78 3,37 2,97 2,60 6,50 6,44 6,17 5,85 5,48 4,99 4,57 4,08 3,61 3,15 2,73 1500 34,90 Pr [watt] 46400 39400 33200 27700 22800 18700 1510 11900 9280 7090 5230 40400 34200 28700 23800 19500 15900 12700 10000 7730 5810 4160 34100 28600 23900 19900 16300 13100 10400 8130 6210 4570 3150 1500 40 Pr [kw] 6,81 7,20 7,38 7,41 7,19 6,96 6,49 5,96 5,40 4,81 4,23 9,21 9,26 9,13 8,89 8,41 7,96 7,29 6,61 5,90 5,21 4,54 Pr [kw] 5,86 6,24 6,41 6,37 6,20 5,93 5,58 5,13 4,63 4,12 3,63 7,93 8,02 7,93 7,64 7,25 6,78 6,27 5,68 5,06 4,46 3,89 9,79 9,59 9,25 8,80 8,27 7,54 6,87 6,14 5,41 4,73 4,10
2000 46,54 Pr [watt] 60500 51400 43300 36200 29600 24300 19800 15600 12300 9360 6910 52700 44600 37400 31100 25300 2060 16700 13200 10200 7660 5500 44600 37400 31200 25900 21300 17000 13600 10600 8090 5950 4100 2000 53,2 Pr [watt] 70100 59400 50300 42100 34600 28600 22800 18100 14200 10800 7980 61100 51600 43500 36100 29600 24300 19300 15300 11800 8850 6350 Pr [kw] 9,17 9,71 10,02 10,02 9,76 9,40 8,75 8,04 7,27 6,48 5,70 12,38 12,49 12,45 15,02 11,41 10,77 9,84 8,91 7,95 7,01 6,12 Pr [watt] 84500 71700 60400 50700 41600 34400 27600 21700 17000 13100 9640 73700 62200 52100 43600 35600 29200 23300 18300 14200 10700 7670 Pr [kw] 7,92 8,41 8,65 8,64 8,34 7,97 7,55 6,94 6,28 5,59 4,92 10,69 10,82 10,74 10,37 9,75 9,13 8,49 7,69 6,87 6,05 5,28 13,25 12,95 12,56 11,85 11,23 10,18 9,29 8,30 7,32 6,39 5,54 2500 58,15 Pr [watt] 73000 62000 52400 43700 35900 29400 23800 18800 14800 11300 8320 63600 53800 45200 37600 30700 25000 20100 15900 12300 9240 6620 53500 45100 37800 31200 25600 20600 16400 12800 9760 7180 4960 2500 66,5 Pr [kw] 11,84 12,50 12,77 12,72 12,41 11,97 11,13 10,25 9,26 8,24 7,26 15,96 16,04 15,81 15,39 14,58 13,70 12,52 11,36 10,13 8,93 7,79 Pr [kw] 10,15 10,76 11,12 11,00 10,69 10,22 9,61 8,84 7,99 7,12 6,26 13,69 13,80 13,76 13,31 12,56 11,69 10,81 9,79 8,74 7,71 6,72 16,93 16,52 16,11 15,20 14,25 12,96 11,85 10,61 9,36 8,17 7,07
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 30 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40
10 11000 5 9300 0 7800 -5 6470 -10 5300 50 -15 4290 -20 3430 -25 2690 -30 2050 -35 1500 -40 1040 te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
26600 7,52 39400 11,32 51600 15,30 62200 19,71 22400 7,37 33100 11,15 43500 15,06 52300 19,19 18800 7,17 27700 10,68 36300 14,49 43800 18,57 15400 6,76 23000 10,27 29900 13,76 36100 17,60 12700 6,32 18700 9,51 24500 12,92 29500 16,43 10200 5,80 15100 8,75 19800 11,83 23900 15,07 8110 5,26 12100 7,97 15700 10,79 19100 13,78 6340 4,70 9460 7,12 12300 9,61 14900 12,29 4830 4,14 7220 6,28 9380 8,48 11400 10,85 3550 3,62 5310 5,48 6910 7,40 8390 9,47 2450 3,14 3660 4,74 4770 6,41 5790 8,20 Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 30°K - Max overheating dteh = 30°K
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 30 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 500 17,15 Pr [watt] 19400 16500 13900 11600 9680 7900 6390 5060 3970 3020 2250 16900 14300 12000 10000 8280 6740 5430 4260 3300 2480 1780 14200 12000 10000 8360 6820 5570 4480 3490 2650 1960 1360 500 19,64 Pr [watt] 22800 19400 16300 13700 11400 9340 7510 5970 4670 3540 2650 19800 16800 14100 11800 9720 7970 6380 5020 3880 2910 2090 Pr [kw] 2,99 3,17 3,28 3,28 3,24 3,08 2,91 2,66 2,42 2,16 1,89 4,07 4,09 4,07 3,94 3,77 3,54 3,26 2,96 2,64 2,32 2,03 5,02 4,94 4,75 4,53 4,25 3,92 3,60 3,23 2,84 2,49 2,15 Pr [kw] 2,54 2,70 2,78 2,80 2,75 2,60 2,48 2,26 2,06 1,85 1,62 3,45 3,48 3,45 3,37 3,20 2,99 2,78 2,51 2,24 1,99 1,74 4,26 4,19 4,05 3,87 3,60 3,35 3,06 2,74 2,42 2,11 1,82 Pr [watt] 46500 39700 33200 27600 23100 18700 15100 12000 9360 7140 5270 40500 34400 28700 23800 19700 16000 12800 10100 7800 5850 4190 34500 28800 24100 20100 16300 13300 10600 8290 6330 4650 3210 1000 39,28 Pr [watt] 54800 46500 39200 32600 27100 22200 17800 14200 11000 8410 6210 47700 40300 33900 28100 23100 19000 15100 11900 9180 6890 4940 Pr [kw] 6,82 7,26 7,44 7,40 7,24 6,94 6,52 6,00 5,44 4,84 4,24 9,24 9,34 9,22 8,89 8,46 7,96 7,35 6,66 5,94 5,23 4,57 1000 34,3 Pr [kw] 5,79 6,18 6,30 6,29 6,19 5,88 5,54 5,10 4,62 4,13 3,61 7,85 7,95 7,81 7,55 7,23 6,74 6,24 5,66 5,05 4,46 3,89 9,75 9,51 9,20 8,79 8,13 7,54 6,89 6,15 5,43 4,74 4,11 1500 51,45 Pr [watt] 69100 58800 49500 41300 34100 28000 22700 18000 14100 10700 7920 60100 51000 42800 35500 29200 23800 19100 15100 11700 8790 6300 50900 42900 35700 29500 24200 19700 15700 12300 9380 6900 4760 1500 58,92 Pr [watt] 81300 69000 58100 48700 40200 33100 26700 21100 16500 12600 9290 70800 59900 50200 41800 34400 28200 22500 17700 13700 10300 7390 Pr [kw] 10,29 10,94 11,21 11,20 11,00 10,51 9,84 9,06 8,21 7,29 6,43 13,92 14,07 13,86 13,44 12,86 12,03 11,06 10,04 8,97 7,90 6,89 Pr [kw] 8,75 9,32 9,54 9,55 9,26 8,88 8,37 7,70 6,97 6,19 5,46 11,84 11,98 11,80 11,46 10,83 10,16 9,41 8,53 7,61 6,71 5,85 14,66 14,37 13,86 13,13 12,29 11,41 10,37 9,27 8,19 7,14 6,19
2000 68,6 Pr [watt] 90200 76700 64500 54100 44800 36400 29700 23300 18400 14000 10400 78600 66600 55800 46400 38300 30900 25100 1970 15300 11500 8250 66500 55900 46600 38800 31500 25800 20500 16000 12200 8980 6200 2000 78,56 Pr [watt] 106400 90200 76000 63800 52700 43200 34900 27600 21700 16500 12200 92700 78300 65700 54700 45100 36700 29500 23300 18000 13500 9690 Pr [kw] 13,97 14,73 15,13 15,13 14,81 14,19 13,34 12,33 11,12 9,91 8,71 18,86 18,95 18,79 18,15 17,32 16,26 15,00 13,66 12,16 10,72 9,35 Pr [watt] 128000 108800 91900 76800 63400 52000 41800 33000 25800 19700 14600 111600 94400 79300 66000 54300 44200 35300 27900 21500 16100 11600 Pr [kw] 11,86 12,58 12,84 12,87 12,59 11,89 11,28 10,45 9,41 8,38 7,37 16,01 16,18 15,95 15,44 14,73 13,62 12,68 11,57 10,29 9,07 7,91 19,77 19,36 18,64 17,79 16,48 15,40 14,03 12,49 11,02 9,62 8,34 2500 85,75 Pr [watt] 108800 92300 78100 65000 53800 44000 35700 28200 22100 16900 12400 94800 80100 67400 55900 46100 37400 30200 23800 18400 13800 9890 80000 67300 56200 46700 38100 3110 24600 19300 14700 10800 7450 2500 98,2 Pr [kw] 17,88 19,01 19,44 19,25 18,87 18,11 16,92 15,61 14,10 12,54 11,04 24,11 24,39 24,06 23,29 22,17 20,73 19,02 17,30 15,42 13,59 11,85 Pr [kw] 15,21 16,09 16,47 16,36 15,99 15,27 14,47 13,24 12,03 10,69 9,41 20,51 20,64 20,38 19,80 18,78 17,48 16,27 14,67 13,15 11,58 10,10 25,28 24,73 23,87 22,77 21,16 19,57 17,79 15,94 14,06 12,27 10,63
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C tc °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 30 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40
10 16700 5 14100 0 11800 -5 9820 -10 8050 50 -15 6550 -20 5260 -25 4110 -30 3140 -35 2300 -40 1590 te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
40200 11,37 59900 17,17 78300 23,24 94200 29,77 33900 11,21 50500 16,93 65800 22,84 79400 29,20 28300 10,75 42000 16,29 54800 22,00 66200 28,08 23500 10,28 34800 15,49 45600 20,94 54900 26,72 19200 9,59 28600 14,47 37100 19,46 44800 24,87 15600 8,86 23200 13,44 30300 18,03 36500 23,05 12400 8,09 18500 12,17 24100 16,39 29000 20,93 9680 7,23 14500 10,9 18800 14,66 22700 18,72 7390 6,38 11100 9,62 14300 12,94 17300 16,52 5430 5,57 8170 8,39 10500 11,29 12700 14,42 3750 4,82 5640 7,27 7240 9,79 8760 12,49 Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 30°K - Max overheating dteh = 30°K
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 tc °C 500 11,63 Pr [watt] 11900 10000 8540 7120 5860 4780 3840 3040 2380 1810 1360 10900 9210 7740 6440 5270 4260 3470 2710 2080 1580 9770 8270 6950 5800 4730 3830 3040 2350 500 13,3 Pr [watt] 13800 11700 9870 8240 6800 5600 4450 3560 2780 2110 1600 12600 10700 8960 7450 6120 4990 4020 3170 2440 1830 Pr [kw] 1,74 1,87 1,92 1,94 1,89 1,81 1,71 1,58 1,45 1,34 1,21 2,39 2,45 2,41 2,35 2,25 2,11 1,97 1,78 1,65 1,51 3,02 2,99 2,88 2,77 2,59 2,39 2,21 2,02 Pr [watt] 33100 27900 23500 19700 16300 13200 10700 8490 6600 5040 3730 30500 25500 21300 17900 14700 11900 9540 7520 5780 4340 Pr [kw] 1,50 1,73 1,80 1,82 1,75 1,65 1,55 1,43 1,31 1,20 1,09 2,06 2,26 2,26 2,21 2,07 1,93 1,78 1,60 1,49 1,35 2,60 2,59 2,50 2,39 2,24 2,07 1,91 1,74 1000 23,27 Pr [watt] 28500 24300 20400 17000 14000 11300 9140 7280 5670 4320 3190 26200 22200 18400 1540 12600 10200 8190 6440 4960 3720 23700 20200 16700 13800 11300 9060 7260 5590 1000 26,6 Pr [kw] 3,96 4,23 4,37 4,41 4,28 4,08 3,84 3,56 3,27 2,97 2,72 5,48 5,51 5,48 5,36 5,05 4,78 4,43 4,03 3,69 3,38 Pr [watt] 49300 41500 35000 29300 24000 19900 15900 12700 9750 7460 5520 44900 37800 31700 26500 21600 17800 14100 11100 8560 6420 Pr [kw] 3,41 3,69 3,79 3,79 3,70 3,49 3,30 3,06 2,81 2,55 2,34 4,71 4,81 4,75 4,61 4,36 4,08 3,81 3,47 3,17 2,90 5,94 5,91 5,66 5,40 5,06 4,63 4,28 3,92 Pr [watt] 42500 36000 30300 25200 20800 17000 13700 10800 8380 6410 4740 38700 32800 27500 22800 18700 15200 12100 9520 7360 5520 35100 29400 24600 20600 16800 13500 10700 8370 1500 40 Pr [kw] 6,01 6,41 6,59 6,63 6,43 6,21 5,80 5,36 4,90 4,47 4,09 8,27 8,34 8,23 8,03 7,59 7,21 6,63 6,11 5,56 5,09 1500 24,9 Pr [kw] 5,17 5,55 5,72 5,70 5,55 5,29 4,99 4,61 4,20 3,82 3,51 7,12 7,23 7,15 6,90 6,55 6,14 5,70 5,25 4,77 4,36 8,95 8,78 8,49 8,09 7,64 7,00 6,45 5,88
2000 46,54 Pr [watt] 55400 47100 39500 32900 26800 22000 17900 14100 11100 8450 6240 50600 42900 36000 29900 24300 19700 15900 12600 9710 7270 45800 38600 32100 26600 22000 17600 14000 10900 2000 53,2 Pr [watt] 64100 54400 45900 38300 31400 25900 20600 16400 12800 9750 7210 58700 49600 41900 34700 28400 23300 18400 14600 11200 8400 Pr [kw] 8,09 8,64 8,94 8,96 8,71 8,39 7,83 7,23 6,60 6,01 5,53 11,13 11,26 11,24 10,88 10,33 9,76 8,96 8,21 7,48 6,85 Pr [watt] 77400 65600 55100 46200 37900 31300 24900 19600 15300 11800 8710 70800 59800 50100 41700 34200 27900 22100 17400 13500 10200 Pr [kw] 6,99 7,48 7,71 7,73 7,45 7,11 6,75 6,24 5,70 5,18 4,78 9,61 9,75 9,70 9,38 8,83 8,27 7,73 7,09 6,46 5,91 12,11 11,87 11,54 10,90 10,37 9,46 8,74 7,95 2500 58,15 Pr [watt] 66800 56700 47800 39800 32700 26700 21500 16900 13400 10200 7510 61100 51700 43400 36000 29500 23900 19000 15100 11700 8770 54900 46500 38900 32300 26300 21300 16900 13200 2500 66,5 Pr [kw] 10,42 11,13 11,41 11,36 11,09 10,68 9,94 9,20 8,40 7,68 7,02 14,32 14,45 14,28 13,91 13,19 12,41 11,41 10,46 9,54 8,74 Pr [kw] 8,94 9,58 9,93 9,82 9,55 9,11 8,58 7,93 7,25 6,63 6,06 13,69 13,80 13,76 13,31 12,56 11,69 10,81 9,79 8,74 7,71 15,49 15,15 14,79 14,00 13,15 12,05 11,14 10,15
R 22
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
R 22
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35
10 11300 5 9550 0 8050 -5 6700 50 -10 5470 -15 4430 -20 3520 -25 2750 te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
27400 6,88 40600 10,35 53000 13,99 63800 18,03 23200 6,77 34100 10,21 44900 13,80 53900 17,60 19400 6,58 28500 9,80 37300 13,31 45000 17,05 15900 6,24 23800 9,44 30700 12,66 37300 16,21 13100 5,84 19300 8,79 25300 11,93 30300 15,16 10500 5,38 15600 8,13 20500 10,99 24700 14,02 8360 4,92 12500 7,49 16200 10,15 19700 12,95 6530 4,51 9740 6,82 12700 9,20 15300 11,76 Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 tc °C 500 17,15 Pr [watt] 17800 15100 12700 10600 8800 7200 5760 4580 3600 2730 2060 16300 13800 11500 9600 7910 6410 5210 4070 3150 2370 14600 12300 10300 8650 7040 5760 4590 3570 500 19,64 Pr [watt] 20900 17700 14900 12500 10400 8510 6770 5400 4230 3190 2430 19000 16200 13500 11300 9290 7580 6120 4800 3710 2780 Pr [kw] 2,65 2,82 2,93 2,93 2,88 2,73 2,60 2,40 2,20 2,02 1,85 3,64 3,70 3,68 3,55 3,42 3,19 2,99 2,69 2,51 2,28 4,59 4,55 4,36 4,18 3,94 3,65 3,38 3,09 Pr [kw] 2,24 2,40 2,48 2,51 2,45 2,31 2,21 2,03 1,87 1,74 1,59 3,08 3,15 3,12 3,03 2,90 2,69 2,55 2,29 2,13 1,95 3,89 3,86 3,72 3,57 3,34 3,12 2,87 2,62 Pr [watt] 42600 36300 30300 25100 21000 16900 13700 10900 8460 6450 4760 39200 33100 27400 22800 18900 15300 12200 9620 7400 5560 35600 29900 24800 20700 16800 13700 10900 8530 1000 39,28 Pr [watt] 50200 42500 35800 29700 24600 20100 16100 12800 9940 7590 5610 46200 38800 32300 26900 22100 18100 14400 11300 8710 6550 Pr [kw] 6,00 6,44 6,65 6,61 6,48 6,18 5,82 5,40 4,96 4,49 4,11 8,29 8,39 8,33 8,04 7,64 7,23 6,71 6,12 5,59 5,10 1000 34,3 Pr [kw] 5,10 5,48 5,63 5,62 5,54 5,23 4,94 4,59 4,22 3,83 3,50 7,05 7,14 7,06 6,83 6,53 6,12 5,70 5,20 4,75 4,35 8,92 8,73 8,44 8,11 7,51 7,00 6,45 5,90 1500 51,45 Pr [watt] 63300 53800 45200 37500 31000 25500 20600 16300 12700 9670 7170 57600 49000 41000 34000 27900 22800 18200 14400 11100 8350 52400 44200 36700 30500 25000 20300 16200 12700 1500 58,92 Pr [watt] 74500 63100 53000 44200 36600 30100 24200 19100 14900 11400 8410 67900 57500 48100 40000 32900 27000 21400 16900 13000 9790 Pr [kw] 9,08 9,73 10,00 10,02 9,84 9,38 8,80 8,14 7,44 6,77 6,21 12,50 12,68 12,50 12,14 11,61 10,90 10,05 9,27 8,45 7,72 Pr [kw] 7,73 8,29 8,51 8,55 8,28 7,93 7,49 6,92 6,32 5,75 5,27 10,64 10,79 10,64 10,35 9,78 9,21 8,55 7,88 7,17 6,55 13,40 13,16 12,72 12,07 11,35 10,60 9,74 8,88
2000 68,6 Pr [watt] 82500 70300 58800 49200 40600 33000 26800 21100 16600 12600 9400 75500 64000 53700 44600 36700 29600 23900 18800 14600 10900 68300 57700 47900 39800 32500 26700 21100 16500 2000 78,56 Pr [watt] 87400 82600 69300 58000 47800 39200 31500 25000 19600 14900 11000 89100 75300 63300 52600 43300 35200 28100 22200 17100 12800 Pr [kw] 12,33 13,11 13,50 13,52 13,23 12,67 11,93 11,08 10,09 9,19 8,46 16,95 17,08 16,97 16,42 15,68 14,74 13,66 12,59 11,44 10,47 Pr [watt] 117200 99500 83800 69900 57800 47300 37700 29700 23300 17800 13200 107300 90700 76200 63200 52100 42300 33400 26600 20400 15300 Pr [kw] 10,47 11,19 11,46 11,50 11,25 10,61 10,09 9,38 8,54 7,77 7,15 14,39 14,58 14,40 13,97 13,33 12,34 11,55 10,67 9,68 8,86 18,07 17,74 17,12 16,36 15,22 14,31 13,20 11,96 2500 85,75 Pr [watt] 99600 84400 71200 59200 49000 40000 32200 25400 20000 15300 11200 91100 76900 64800 53500 44200 35800 28600 22700 17500 13100 82100 69400 57800 48300 39200 32200 25300 19800 2500 98,2 Pr [kw] 15,74 16,93 17,37 17,19 16,86 16,16 15,10 14,01 12,79 11,68 10,68 21,63 21,97 21,73 21,05 20,06 18,78 17,33 15,92 14,52 13,30 Pr [kw] 13,39 14,33 14,71 14,61 14,29 13,63 12,91 11,88 10,91 9,95 9,11 18,40 18,59 18,41 17,90 16,99 15,83 14,82 13,50 12,39 11,33 23,12 22,68 21,92 20,97 19,53 18,20 16,72 15,25
R 22
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
R 22
RPM Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35
10 17200 5 14500 0 12200 -5 10200 50 -10 8310 -15 6770 -20 5390 -25 4200 te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
41400 10,40 61700 15,70 80400 21,24 96700 27,23 35100 10,29 52000 15,50 67900 20,93 81900 26,78 29200 9,87 43200 14,95 56300 20,21 68100 25,79 24300 9,48 36000 14,24 46800 19,26 56800 24,61 19800 8,86 29500 13,37 38300 17,97 46100 22,95 16100 8,22 23900 12,48 31400 16,75 37800 21,44 12800 7,57 19100 11,43 24800 15,42 29900 19,67 9970 6,94 14900 10,44 19400 14,03 23300 17,91 Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K
RPM 500 11,63 Pr [watt] 12400 10300 30 8700 7170 5820 4680 Pr [kw] 1,62 1,83 1,88 1,88 1,77 1,63 1000 23,27 Pr [watt] 29600 25000 20800 17100 13900 11100 Pr [kw] 3,69 3,92 3,96 3,91 3,75 3,43 Pr [watt] 44200 37100 30900 25400 20700 16600 1500 34,9 Pr [kw] 5,59 5,89 5,98 5,87 5,62 5,21
2000 46,54 Pr [watt] 57600 48500 40300 33100 26600 21500 Pr [kw] 7,55 7,95 8,06 7,96 7,55 7,00 2500 58,15 Pr [watt] 69400 58400 48700 40100 32500 26100 Pr [kw] 9,66 10,17 10,38 10,12 9,69 8,98
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 40
11100 9300 7730 6340 5110 4070
2,20 2,37 2,33 2,24 2,07 1,89
26700 22400 18400 15200 12200 9740
5,03 5,05 4,91 4,69 4,36 4,00
39400 33100 27500 22500 18100 14500
7,60 7,59 7,39 7,01 6,54 6,03
51600 43300 36000 29500 23600 18800
10,25 10,24 10,02 9,53 8,82 8,13
62300 52200 43400 35500 28600 22800
14,61 14,49 14,21 13,52 12,55 11,48
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 50
9740 8140 6730 5530 4440 3530
2,73 2,67 2,54 2,39 2,21 2,00
23600 19900 16200 13200 10600 8340
6,24 6,11 5,77 5,41 4,99 4,48
35000 28900 23800 19700 15800 12400
9,40 9,07 8,64 8,11 7,53 6,77
45700 38000 31100 25400 20600 16200
12,72 12,26 11,74 10,92 10,22 9,14
54700 45800 37700 30800 24700 19600
16,26 15,65 15,06 14,03 12,95 11,66
500 1,3 Pr [watt] 14300 12100 30 10100 8300 6760 5480 Pr [kw] 1,88 1,99 2,01 2,00 1,92 1,78
1000 26,6 Pr [watt] 34400 28700 23900 19800 16200 12900 Pr [kw] 4,28 4,49 4,57 4,54 4,34 4,02
1500 40 Pr [watt] 51200 42700 35700 29500 23900 19500 Pr [kw] 6,50 6,80 6,88 6,83 6,52 6,12
2000 53,2 Pr [watt] 66600 56000 46800 38600 31200 25400 Pr [kw] 8,75 9,17 9,34 9,22 8,84 8,26
2500 66,5 Pr [watt] 80400 67600 56100 46500 37700 30600 Pr [kw] 11,27 11,82 11,92 11,70 11,25 10,52
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 40
12800 10800 8950 7340 5940 4770
2,56 2,57 2,49 2,39 2,24 2,07
31100 25800 21300 17600 14300 11400
5,84 5,78 5,66 5,45 5,04 4,69
45800 38200 31700 26100 21000 17000
8,83 8,76 8,51 8,16 7,59 7,08
59800 50100 41900 34200 27500 22300
11,87 11,82 11,61 11,05 10,32 9,59
72100 60400 50000 41100 33200 26600
15,28 15,17 14,75 14,13 13,18 12,19
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 50
11300 9400 7800 6390 5130 4080
3,18 3,09 2,93 2,77 2,55 2,32
27300 22800 18800 15200 12300 9670
7,22 6,99 6,70 6,25 5,75 5,20
40500 33600 27600 22700 18100 14400
10,87 10,55 9,98 9,46 8,65 7,86
52800 44200 36100 29300 23700 18900
14,69 14,25 13,55 12,68 11,75 10,63
63600 53000 43600 35600 28400 22700
18,93 18,18 17,36 16,24 14,94 13,55
te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K
RPM 500 17,15 Pr [watt] 18500 15600 30 12900 10700 8750 7050 Pr [kw] 2,42 2,55 2,59 2,58 2,48 2,27 Pr [watt] 44300 37400 30900 25300 20900 16500 1000 34,3 Pr [kw] 5,51 5,82 5,89 5,79 5,61 5,15 1500 51,45 Pr [watt] 65800 55400 46100 37800 30800 25000 Pr [kw] 8,35 8,80 8,90 8,80 8,40 7,81
2000 68,6 Pr [watt] 85700 72400 59900 49500 40400 32300 Pr [kw] 11,31 11,88 11,97 11,85 11,41 10,45 2500 85,75 Pr [watt] 103500 86900 72600 59600 48700 39200 Pr [kw] 14,48 15,21 15,37 15,05 14,49 13,42
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 40
16600 13900 11500 9460 7670 6120
3,29 3,30 3,22 3,08 2,90 2,64
39900 33400 27400 22500 18300 14600
7,52 7,50 7,29 6,94 6,52 6,01
58700 49500 41000 33500 27100 21800
11,35 11,33 10,99 10,52 9,77 9,04
76900 64600 53600 43900 35600 28300
15,35 15,31 14,88 14,19 13,32 12,12
92800 77700 64700 52700 42900 34200
19,64 19,52 19,01 18,19 16,97 15,55
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 50
14600 12100 9980 8250 6600 5300
4,09 3,98 3,78 3,58 3,29 3,02
35500 29400 24000 19700 15800 12600
9,36 9,02 8,60 8,12 7,40 6,76
52200 43500 35600 29100 23500 18700
14,07 13,59 12,95 12,09 11,18 10,25
68100 56800 46400 38000 30500 24600
18,98 18,32 17,43 16,40 14,99 13,83
81900 68300 56000 46100 36800 29700
24,28 23,43 22,31 21,01 19,24 17,60
500 19,64 Pr [watt] 18400 15300 30 12700 10500 7460 6630 Pr [kw] 3,05 3,11 3,06 2,97 2,77 2,56
1000 39,28 Pr [watt] 44200 36900 30300 24800 20000 15800 Pr [kw] 6,96 7,06 6,91 667 6,27 5,73
1500 58,92 Pr [watt] 65600 54600 45000 36900 29900 23700 Pr [kw] 10,52 10,62 10,47 10,13 9,52 8,67
2000 78,56 Pr [watt] 85800 71400 59100 48100 39000 30800 Pr [kw] 14,17 14,33 14,13 13,63 12,84 11,75
2500 98,2 Pr [watt] 103400 86300 71200 58200 47000 36900 Pr [kw] 18,30 18,44 17,96 17,37 16,39 14,87
Volume spostato [m 3/h] Displacement [m 3/h] te °C 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 tc °C
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 40
16500 13600 11300 9150 7350 5840
3,95 3,86 3,66 3,47 3,18 2,94
39500 32600 26900 21800 17600 13750
8,96 8,75 8,30 7,76 7,22 6,59
58600 48600 40000 32400 26200 20400
13,53 13,13 12,54 11,80 10,89 9,87
76700 63900 52500 42700 34100 26800
18,22 17,81 16,96 15,93 14,72 13,41
92400 7700 63100 51300 41000 31900
23,44 22,82 21,75 20,38 18,76 17,02
10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 50
14500 12000 9880 7930 6350 4960
4,77 4,50 4,25 3,95 3,60 3,26
35000 28700 23500 18900 15100 11800
10,81 10,19 9,65 8,87 8,10 7,32
51800 42500 34900 28100 22400 17600
16,28 14,45 14,50 13,40 12,29 11,05
67700 55400 45300 36500 29500 22800
21,97 20,87 19,61 18,01 16,50 14,91
81700 67000 55000 44000 35500 27500
28,12 26,64 25,05 23,00 21,12 19,02
te = temperatura di evaporazione - evaporating temperature tc = temperatura di condensazione - condensing temperature Pr = Capacità frigorifera - Refrigerating capacity Pa = Potenza assorbita - Power imput
Le rese sono riferite a: temperatura gas aspirato 25°C; senza sottoraffreddamento del liquido; surriscaldamento 100% utile Datas are referred to 25°C suction temperature; without liquid subcooling; overheating 100% usefull Max surriscaldamento dteh = 20°K - Max overheating dteh = 20°K